Tag Archives: flight simulators

Realizing That Avionics Anomalies Can Occur

by Michael J. “Mick” Kaufman Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2019 issue As an active flight instructor, I always continue to learn, and periodically I see something I have never seen before. I have seen autopilot failures and electronic … Continue reading

Posted in April/May 2019, Columns, Columns, Instrument Flight | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Basics of Spatial Disorientation

Spatial disorientation can be defined quite simply as the inability to correctly orient oneself with respect to the earth’s surface. It is caused by a variety of sensory illusions. Pilots are especially vulnerable at night and in certain weather conditions. … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, February/March 2014 | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

Flight Instructor Hall of Fame Inducted Rudy Frasca

Rudy Frasca (center) of Frasca International, Urbana, Illinois, was inducted into the Flight Instructor Hall of Fame during EAA AirVenture. Jack Eggspuehler (right), president emeritus of the National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI), presented a plaque to Frasca and his … Continue reading

Posted in October/November 2012, People, Sections | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment