Tag Archives: BPT

BPT Mourns Aviation Maintenance “Superstar,” Dave Monti

Published in Midwest Flyer – December 2019/January 2020 It is with a heavy heart that Bonanza Baron Pilot Training, Inc. (BPT) announces the passing of Jon David (Dave) Monti, BPT Director of Maintenance, on September 27, 2019. Dave Monti was … Continue reading

Posted in All Headlines, Awards & Recognitions, Dec 2019/Jan 2020, Headlines | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

Safety Versus Convenience Plus Complacency!

by Michael J. (Mick) Kaufman Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine – August/September 2019 issue When we think about flying, whether IFR or VFR, we must always consider the part “human factors” play in every flight. In the Bonanza/Baron training program … Continue reading

Posted in Aug/Sept 2019, Columns, Columns, Instrument Flight | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Autopilot Mismanagement & Meet The “Snitch”

by Michael J. “Mick” Kaufman Published in Midwest Flyer – February/March 2017 issue After finishing my column for each issue of Midwest Flyer Magazine, I often wonder what I should write about in the next issue. A few days after … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Instrument Flight | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Ins & Outs of ADS-B & The Stratus-ForeFlight System

by Michael “Mick” Kaufman In the last issue of Midwest Flyer Magazine, I dedicated part of the column to type-specific flight training for which I will add an additional comment in this issue. Several issues back, I mentioned flying with … Continue reading

Posted in April/May 2013, Columns, Instrument Flight | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment