Archives: Columns

FAA Reauthorization – Finally!

by David Mann, President Wisconsin Aviation Trades Association I sometimes am amazed or maybe I should say shocked at the inability of our legislative branch to work together for the good of the United States of America. The entire group of … Continue reading

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More New FAA Legal Interpretations Roil S-LSA Community

by Ed Leineweber Sometimes revolutionary innovation takes awhile to take hold, and then only after a series of fits and starts. So it might be with the system envisioned in the Light Sport Aircraft ASTM industry consensus standards. Interpretations of … Continue reading

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At Work Outside D.C.

by Craig L. Fuller President & CEO Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association Everyone I meet all across the country seems to know that AOPA is hard at work representing general aviation before federal agencies, members of Congress, and other decision … Continue reading

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News & Information You’ll Want To Know In Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska & Iowa

by Yasmina Platt, Manager AOPA Central Southwest Region As you may have already read in previous editions of Midwest Flyer Magazine and AOPA Pilot magazine, AOPA has started a new regional manager program to increase its ability to address the … Continue reading

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Strengthening The Aviation Community

by Bryan Budds, Manager AOPA Great Lakes Region We all know some of the realities facing general aviation today. Unfortunately, we hear with relative frequency discussions of looming user fees, the declining pilot population, the increasing cost of general aviation, … Continue reading

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Earning The Instrument Rating In A Perfect World!

by Karen Workman The advantages of having an “instrument rating” cannot be disputed. The rating adds a huge margin of safety to your flying, and increases the utility of both your pilot certificate and aircraft. A pilot certificate gives you … Continue reading

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A Surfeit of Data

by Harold Green These days we suffer from a surfeit of data. There seems to be two sources. Pilots themselves and the advent of more advanced electronics. The even more advanced electronics of the glass cockpit is a subject for … Continue reading

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GPS Is The Future of Navigation

by Michael Kaufman After concentrating my column for the last four issues on autopilots, my efforts will now turn to Global Positioning System, better known as “GPS.” When asked what the invention of the decade was, many people say, the … Continue reading

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Purchasing An Aircraft Hangar: Buyer Beware!

by Gregory J. Reigel Attorney At Law It always surprises me when a potential buyer of an aircraft hangar is unsure whether he or she should use a purchase agreement when buying the hangar. Most of these individuals have purchased … Continue reading

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An Aviation Day At Your State Capitol!

by Dave Weiman We predict that what occurred on February 9th, 2012, at the State Capitol in St. Paul, Minnesota, in holding an “Aviation Day At The Capitol,” will be repeated in capitols throughout the country as pilots, aviation business … Continue reading

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