Archives: Letters

Letter From Pat Schmidt

Dave: I just breezed through your publication. All I can say is WOW! You and your wife are putting out one heck of a good read with columns, great layout design and stories which are sure to be popular among … Continue reading

Posted in December 2020/January 2021, Letters, Sections, Sections | Tagged | Leave a comment

Letter From Bob Worthington

Dave: I  just finished reading the Dec/Jan issue ( Excellent, informative articles! I especially liked the insurance article by Victoria Neuville of Aviation Insurance Resources entitled “Despite Experience, Senior Pilots Are Charged Higher Insurance Premiums” ( Good info.   Bob … Continue reading

Posted in February/March 2021, Letters, Sections, Sections | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Letter To The Editor – Paul Brutlag

Published in Midwest Flyer – June/July 2020 issue Dear Dave: While I cherish my privilege of flight from hot-air-balloons to multi-engine aircraft and warbirds, Kathy Vesely (MnDOT Office of Aeronautics) has been the HEART of keeping my privilege of flight … Continue reading

Posted in June/July 2020, Letters, Sections | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Letter From Robert L. Mann

Dave: Great article about the size of self-serve fuel hoses. Our local airport has an old-style manual (system), and worn out reel with a fuel hose and nozzle that is larger than it needs to be. The hose and nozzle … Continue reading

Posted in Letters, Oct/Nov 2019, Sections | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Letter from Bill Havener

Published in Midwest Flyer – August/September 2018 issue Dear Dave, As I recall you were at one of the first North Central EAA Fly-Ins at the Whiteside County Airport south of Rock Falls, Illinois. I believe you had just started … Continue reading

Posted in Aug/Sept 2018, Letters, Sections | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Letter from Cheri Gagné

Published in Midwest Flyer – August/September 2018 issue Hi Dave: I wanted to say thank you for sending the magazines (which were distributed at “Minnesota Drone Day,” May 5, 2018 in Eagan, Minnesota). They were a hit! I think they … Continue reading

Posted in Aug/Sept 2018, Letters, Sections | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Letter from Doug Tomas

Published in Midwest Flyer – August/September 2018 issue Hi Dave: After listening to the podcast the other day (“Simple Flight Radio,” April 29, 2018,, I wanted to share with you what I found at our hangar in Stoughton, Wisconsin … Continue reading

Posted in Aug/Sept 2018, Letters, Sections | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Letters from Robert (Bob) Ross Rees, Jr.

Hi Dave & Peggy: I was Googling flying articles and found out about Midwest Flyer Magazine, and it had an article from a pilot I met a few times at some AOPA events in Iowa. I first met Yasmina Platt … Continue reading

Posted in April/May 2018, Letters, Sections | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Letter from Richard Schmidt

Published in Midwest Flyer – June/July 2017 Dear Harold: I read with great interest your article on traffic patterns (Pilot Proficiency, Dec 2015/Jan 2016). I think it is a good idea to remind pilots of the correct procedure for approach, … Continue reading

Posted in June/July 2017, Letters, Pilot Proficiency, Sections | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Letter From CWO3 Jim Englin

Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2017 Hi Dave: You asked to be kept informed about the new Cirrus Perception program when we last spoke at the Cirrus event at Anoka County – Blaine Airport in August. Well, we are … Continue reading

Posted in April/May 2017, Letters, Sections | Tagged , , | Leave a comment