Archives: Columns

Once Again, It’s A “Sport Cruiser!”

by Ed Leineweber When I wrote about Piper’s entry into the Special Light Sport Aircraft (S-LSA) market in my column last fall (Oct/Nov 2010 Midwest Flyer Magazine), I commented upon the speed with which the deal was struck between Piper … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Oct/Nov 2011, Sport Pilot/Grassroot/Recreational Flying | Leave a comment

Wildlife Avoidance

by Jeffery Taylor WisDOT Aviation Consultant Sharing the sky and the airport environment with birds and other wildlife has been a safety and economic concern for the aviation community since the Wright brothers first flew. Orville Wright documented the first … Continue reading

Posted in Airports, Columns, Oct/Nov 2011, Wisconsin Aeronautics Report | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments


by Pete Schoeninger Q: I have a Cherokee 180, and would like to move up to a 1970s Cherokee Six or Cessna 206. Which would you recommend? Rick in Iowa A: Rick: They are both good airplanes, and most shops … Continue reading

Posted in Ask Pete, Columns, Oct/Nov 2011 | Tagged | Leave a comment

The First Vestiges of Fall

by Christopher Roy, Director Minnesota DOT Office of Aeronautics The first vestiges of fall are showing up in many places. Though this may herald the end of summer, it also heralds a beautiful time when flying can be most spectacular. … Continue reading

Posted in Airports, Columns, MN Aeronautics Bulletin, Oct/Nov 2011 | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Part IV – FAA Reforms Needed To Help Recruit & Retain Pilots

by Jim Hanson In previous issues of Midwest Flyer Magazine, CFII Jim Hanson began a discussion on “Student Starts & Pilot Retention,” which he wrote prior to the release of findings from research conducted by the Aircraft Owners & Pilots … Continue reading

Posted in Airports, Columns, Guest Editorial, MN Aviation Industry News, Oct/Nov 2011 | Tagged | Leave a comment

How To Fly Like A Pro

by Harold Green For most of us the term professional evokes images of competence and calmness amongst the chaos of events. For pilots this means maintaining a clear headed analytical approach to every situation encountered. So how can we engender … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Oct/Nov 2011, Pilot Proficiency | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Autopilots – Part III How To Use A Flight Director

by Michael Kaufman This is the third article in a continuing series I have been writing on “autopilots.” Since beginning this series, I have encountered more issues with malfunctioning autopilots than in the previous 40 years I have been flying … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Instrument Flight, Oct/Nov 2011 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Time For Me To Join The Modern World – MedXpress

by Dr. John Beasley, M.D. Aviation Medical Examiner Professor Emeritus and Clinical Professor Department of Family Medicine University of Wisconsin – Madison Ah, for the good old days when the Wrights were a couple of kids, medical records were kept … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, High On Health, Oct/Nov 2011 | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

AOPA Upgrades Legal Services Plan

by Gregory J. Reigel Attorney At Law As you may know, one of the benefits you can add onto your AOPA membership is membership in the Legal Services Plan (LSP). Recently, AOPA upgraded the LSP to a two-tiered structure – … Continue reading

Posted in Aviation Law, Columns, Oct/Nov 2011 | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

FAA & Industry Reform Needed!

by Dave Weiman In this issue, contributing editor Jim Hanson continues his series on “Student Starts & Pilot Retention,” and expands on why he thinks our industry is not growing. He believes that reforms are needed by the Federal Aviation … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Dialogue, Oct/Nov 2011 | Tagged , , | Leave a comment